search-icn Check company name availability

Check the company name that you would like against ASIC's register.

how to use cleardocs
  • A simple and fast process:

    • process-icn1

      Register as a User - it's free;

    • process-icn1

      Select your required document;

    • process-icn1

      Answer the online interface questions;

      i. If you are unable to complete the question interface, you can save the document and return to it later.

      ii. We provide help-text beside many questions. To see the help-text, simply click the beside the question. Common questions and answers relating to our document packages can also be found at our legal FAQ's.

    • process-icn1

      Pay by credit card
      (Visa or Mastercard);

    • process-icn1

      Receive, download and store the document; and

    • process-icn1

      If printing and binding is ordered, confirm.

    For any questions or assistance in this process, we have local helpline support. Call us on 1300 307 343.