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About the Simpler Super Breakfast forum
The Cleardocs "Business Insights" Breakfast Forum is designed to engage a professional audience in high quality debate around key current issues.
This, our first 'Business Insights' Breakfast Forum, discussed the likely impacts and interpretation of the new 'Simpler Super' legislation announced in the 2006 Federal Budget. With the legislation due to be passed very soon, Cleardocs looks to open up the debate to a professional audience, and to provide some expert insight on the pending changes.
A distinguished panel was on hand to discuss comments and interpretations from an exclusive interview with the ATO; and to answer many of the key questions surrounding this important issue.
Questions discussed include:
- With Super now being such an attractive retirement vehicle, does the ATO anticipate that potential 'exploitation' of the rules will require increased surveillance?
- How aggressively will the ATO initially enforce the new 'Simpler Super' regime on SMSF's - given the relatively short implementation timeframe?
- Death Benefit Tax avoidance issue - how will the ATO respond?
Watch the Simpler Super videos online
Edited highlights of the Cleardocs 'Business Insights' Breakfast Forum are available to view online here.