Company document

ABN Registration - company

Use Cleardocs to apply for your company's ABN and TFN and/or register for GST.

Your company must:

  • be a for-profit Pty Ltd company;
  • be an Australian registered Pty Ltd company;
  • be an Australian resident for tax purposes;
  • not be co-owned or controlled by a state/territory or local government; and
  • not already have a registered ABN.

Cleardocs can also arrange ABN, TFN and GST registrations for your:

  • Cleardocs fee incl GST $58.30
Product Benefits
  • Apply for your company's ABN, TFN & register for GST with your Cleardocs company registration;
  • Pre-populated with your Cleardocs company information
  • Easy, stress free, and great helpline service
  • Cleardocs can lodge your ABN, GST and TFN application, trouble shoot and notify you when your ABN is registered and ready to use.
  • Also, you need an ABN to register a website domain name with an extension that ends in '.au', for your business's online presence.
Product Information

How will I be notified of the registrations?

After the applications have been processed:

  • the ABN and GST registration will appear on ABN Lookup;
  • Cleardocs will send an email confirming the ABN is active;
  • the Australian Business Registrar will send written confirmation of the ABN registration; and
  • the TFN will be sent to the nominated address for service and receipt of notices.

What information do you need for a company ABN, TFN and GST application?

Our checklist outlines all the information you require.

The ABN will not be issued until the date you have specified. This date cannot be more than 6 months in the future. If the date provided is a date in the future, the ABN will not be issued until that date. If you are also registering for GST please note that you will need an ABN before you can register for GST.

The date that an ABN is required, is the date that it commences carrying on a business or an enterprise, or commences activities to form a business, such as preliminary activities done as part of a process of beginning or bringing into existence an enterprise. Further information on carrying on an enterprise is available from the Australian Taxation Office.

Who can apply for an ABN through Cleardocs?

To register an ABN for your company with Cleardocs, your company must:

  • be a for-profit Pty Ltd company;
  • be an Australian registered Pty Ltd company;
  • be an Australian resident for tax purposes; and
  • not be co-owned or controlled by a state/territory or local government.

Do I need an ABN for my company?

ABNs are not compulsory. However, there are many good reasons to have one, for example, an ABN will help you:

  • in dealing with other businesses when supplying goods or services to them, or when purchasing goods and services; and
  • to deal with the ATO and other government agencies.

Also, you need an ABN to register for GST.

If you are unsure whether to apply for an ABN, you should seek professional advice.

Will my company be entitled to an ABN?

Companies that are currently registered with the Australian Securities Investments Commission are eligible to apply for an ABN.

What if my company is a corporate trustee?

You should seek professional advice to determine whether your Corporate Trustee Company is required to have an ABN. This will depend upon whether the Corporate Trustee is carrying on an enterprise in its own right, in addition to its role as a corporate trustee of a trust. Further information in relation to "carrying on an enterprise", is available at the Australia Taxation Office website.

More information on ABNs, including who is entitled to apply, is available from the Australian Taxation Office's website.

When should I register for GST?

Companies carrying on an enterprise in Australia with a GST turnover of $75,000 or more, must register for GST. If you run a business and your GST turnover is less than $75,000, registering for GST is optional. Some types of business must register for GST regardless of their GST turnover, (eg. if you are a taxi driver).

You will need to apply for an ABN to register for GST.

If you are unsure whether you need to register for GST, contact the Australian Taxation Office, or contact your professional advisor.

What is the company's date of registration for GST?

If you wish to issue a tax invoice for sales, you will need to first be registered for GST.

Can I register for GST via Cleardocs if I already have an ABN?

If you decide to apply for GST at a later stage, or if you already have an ABN, you need to register directly with the relevant government agency. If your ABN application is delayed or refused you will not be able to continue to apply for other business registrations.

What happens if my ABN is refused and I receive a reference number?

If you receive a reference number it may mean that:

  • your identity (or the identity of an associate) cannot be verified, or
  • more information is needed.

The ABR will review your application within 20 business days. And it may take 24-28 business days to generate an ABN. The ABR advice the applicant to wait for at least 20 business days before following up.

If unsuccessful you will receive a refusal number. You will receive a letter within 14 days confirming your application has been refused.

How long it will take for ABN, GST, TFN?


If your application is processed successfully, then you'll receive your 11-digit ABN immediately, but it usually takes about 4-6 hours before the ABN is visible on the ABN Lookup.


GST registration usually takes 4-6 business hours.


The TFN will be received via mail within 14 days after the TFN application was submitted.

Updating (or cancelling) your ABN

It is important to update your information with the ABR within 28 days of becoming aware of any changes to your ABN details. Your ABN may be cancelled if information shows you are no longer carrying on a business.

You can update or cancel your details through the Australian Business Register.

Changing your business structure

In most cases if you change your business structure you will need to cancel your Australian business number (ABN) before you can apply for a new one.

Examples of when you need to cancel your ABN:

  • Individual/sole trader to partnership
  • Partnership to company
  • Individual/sole trader to company.

If you are unsure you should seek professional advice before applying for a new ABN or cancelling your existing ABN. Cleardocs cannot assist you with cancelling your ABN.

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