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Superannuation rates and thresholds for 2021-22

Thomson Reuters has used the latest AWOTE details (ABS Catalogue no: 6302.0) to calculate the following superannuation rates and thresholds for 2021-22 in accordance with Subdiv 960-M of the ITAA 1997.

Stuart Jones, Thomson Reuters

Contribution caps

The concessional contributions cap is set to increase to $27,500 for the 2021-22 financial year (up from $25,000 since 2017-18). This cap was reset in the legislation at $25,000 from 2017-18 as part of the super reforms that reduced the contribution caps. As the concessional cap is now only indexed in $2,500 increments, the AWOTE index number of 1,711.60 for the quarter ending on 31 December 2020 was (finally) sufficient to trigger an increase to $27,500 for 2021-22.

The non-concessional contributions cap (which is set at 4 times the concessional cap) is $110,000 for 2021-22 (or $330,000 under the bring-forward rule over 3 years, subject to the other eligibility requirements).

The CGT cap amount for non-concessional contributions is $1.615m for 2021-22 (up from $1.565m).


The Government co-contribution "lower income threshold" is $41,112 for 2021-22 (up from $39,837 for 2020-21); "higher income threshold" is $56,112 (up from $54,837).

Super guarantee

While the current super guarantee (SG) rate is already legislated to increase from 9.5% to 10% from 1 July 2021, the "maximum contribution base" will rise to $58,920 per quarter for 2021-22 (up from $57,090 for 2020-21).

An employer is not required to provide the minimum super guarantee support for that part of an employee's ordinary time earnings (OTE) above the quarterly maximum contribution base (ie $58,920 for 2021-22). This quarterly maximum represents a per annum equivalent of $235,680 for 2021-22).

Super benefits

The following indexed thresholds apply for 2021-22:

  • Superannuation lump sum low rate cap - $225,000 (up from $215,000);
  • Untaxed plan cap - $1.615m (up from $1.565m);
  • ETP cap amount - $225,000 (up from $215,000);
  • Genuine redundancy and early retirement payments - tax-free amounts: base amount - $11,341 (up from $10,989); service amount - $5,672 (up from $5,496).

Pension cap

As previously reported at 2021 WTB 4 [61], the general transfer balance cap, which is indexed to CPI, is set to increase from $1.6m to $1.7m on 1 July 2021. When the general transfer balance cap is indexed to $1.7m from 1 July 2021, there won't be a single cap that applies to all individuals. Rather, every individual will have their own personal transfer balance cap of between $1.6m and $1.7m, depending on their circumstances: see 2021 WTB 4 [61].

The "total superannuation balance" threshold for making non-concessional contributions will also increase from $1.6m to $1.7m from 2021-22. When the general transfer balance cap is indexed on 1 July 2021, individuals with a total superannuation balance of $1.7m or more on 30 June 2021 won't be eligible for the bring forward arrangements from 1 July 2021.

This article first appeared in Thomson Reuters' Weekly Tax Bulletin (2021 WTB 8 [138]).

More Cleardocs information on related topics

You can read earlier ClearLaw articles on a range of superannuation topics here.

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Last revised on : 11-10-2022

Lawyer in Profile

Julia Tonkin
Julia Tonkin
+61 3 9258 3318

Qualifications: BA, LLB, University of Melbourne

Julia is a Partner in Maddocks Corporate and Private Clients team. Julia has extensive expertise in:

  • estate planning, structuring for succession of ownership and control of private and family businesses.
  • charities and not-for-profit space.

Julia’s clients include high net worth individuals and families and privately held businesses.

Clients value Julia’s empathic, common sense yet technically sound approach to complex legal (and often interpersonal) issues.

She has been recognised as an Accredited Specialist by The Law Institute of Victoria with an accreditation in Wills & Estates Law. She has also been recognised in Doyles Guide for Wills, Estates & Succession Planning Law Recommended – Victoria in 2023.

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