Estate Planning breakfast
In November and December 2013, Cleardocs and Maddocks hosted breakfast sessions in Sydney and Melbourne on 'clear and tax effective wills'.
The keynote speaker was Robert Monahan, Consultant (Estate Planning), from Maddocks lawyers. He presented:
- tax effective estate planning strategies and tools; and
- an overview of the Cleardocs online legal wills products and testamentary trust structure.
You can view the video of the Sydney session by segment here:
Lisa Galbraith, General Manager, Cleardocs, Thomson Reuters
Julian Smith, Partner, Maddocks Lawyers
4:01 |
Robert Monahan, Consultant, Maddocks Lawyers
11:28 |
Robert Monahan, Consultant, Maddocks Lawyers
15:43 |
Robert Monahan, Consultant, Maddocks Lawyers
10:29 |